2021-08-11#TypeScript#HTML#SCSSMy personal portfolio of projects and university work.
My portfolio site is one of the first web development projects I've tackled. Over the course of the years, I've added new features and cleaned up the code of this site to better reflect my coding abilities and UI "style" as a designer. 48nes (or 48n.es) is a username I've chosen for all my code related endeavors as the 4 resembles a capital A and the 8 resembles a lowercase g. Additionally, 4 and 8 both have special meanings in Chinese, being death and fortune. I found these little coincidences a fun easter egg.
The current version of the site is built with Next.js.
Feature Highlights
A priority for this version of the site was to simplify the design while still keeping a certain amount of personality to it. I have always loved the simplicity of other developers' portfolio sites, but I still wanted to have a personal flair.
Secondly, I wanted to improve upon the original version and have my music updated "live" rather than on refresh. This was done using SWR and is (in my opinion) the coolest part of the new iteration.
Past Iterations
The first iteration of my portfolio site was built using a static site engine, Zola. The features were a lot more limited due to the site being hosted through Github pages and being a static site.
Homepage of the original site
Here are two of the additional pages on the original site. In this first iteration, I did not have live updates on my music feed like I do now. Instead, on page reload, the API call would refresh. This is one of the major improvements I made between the first and second iterations, where I now use SWR to have what I am listening to update live.