Here's some of the work I'm most proud of...

2023-07-07An art trading game Discord bot.
2022-08-28A web application that converts HTML layouts to a live WYSIWYG form editor.
design portfolio
2021-01-07A collection of static template sites and widgets for creatives.

...and here's everything I've ever done.

A candy gram/confessions discord bot.

An art trading game Discord bot.

A web application that converts HTML layouts to a live WYSIWYG form editor.

(as part of Computer Systems coursework)
Creating a calculator in Assembly and rewriting shell.

(as part of Networks and Distributed Systems coursework)
A FTP client, BGP router, packet transport, web crawler, and distributed database.

Code sharing alternative to Pastebin developed specifically for

My personal portfolio website (you are here).

A Discord bot that scrapes Leetcode data and creates an update feed of user activity.

(as part of Object Oriented Design coursework)
Basic image editing software.

(as part of Fundamentals of Computer Science II coursework)
Implementations of Flood-It and Maze games.

A collection of static template sites and widgets for creatives.